At dawn one can only guess
at universal secrets,
magical mysteries, a
seasoned grace and all that
embodies spirit of place.
and patience lies sleeping
lies sleeping, lies sleeping
patience lies sleeping at
the end of the track.
Patience lies sleeping
lies sleeping , lies sleeping
Patience lies sleeping with
with jack at her back.
not for her the kissing gates
clandestine tete a tetes
nor for her the curlews cry
not for her the blue, grey sky
with three swans streaming.
Not for her the Bluebell wood
waiting to exclaim, not for her
the stichwort, garlic, celandine
and thyme and
burns flowing without name.
For patience lies sleeping
lies sleeping,
Patience lies sleeping
at the end of the track
a dove at her head a
wren on her breast
Patience lies sleeping
At rest
At rest.
(c) Lee bruce.