The track was in the huff, I could feel, I left the house in the sun and when i stepped out through the kissing gates the sun went and the old railway felt angry. I had not been for such a long time, things had kept dying and living and growing older while i was gone and still the old place just kept on turning.
I watch them and they watch me. |
The old railway sleepers are gone but the birch and alder and wild cherry, their trunks make for ghostly sleepers. It must have been one of the most beautiful little railway journeys in Europe , crossing the Black Isle, past the farms then with the Sea on one side of it and forest on the other, what a welcome sight it would have been for all those coming back from war, the steam billowing as the train passed Larches Leap. Home, home from hellish battle, home if a farmer from market, home, it felt like a kind of homecoming for me today. The old fench post above i have passed hundres of times but today I noticed that, it too has a beauty to it.
the birds returned to my feeders I was amazed they noticed so soon that I was there and though, they were slightly more wary than before bth Robin and Tit fed while i sat feeling the sun on my face, there was much bird song, the collared doves and wood pigeons ,the woodpecker hammering.
I have missed this place and its graces. Soon all with be leaf above me, leaf and light and warmth.